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Past ACTFest Festivals

ACTFest 2022-2023

Hosted by Theatre Tuscaloosa, Shelton State Community College, Tuscaloosa November 4-6, 2022

Host Theatre Tuscaloosa was led by Adam Miller and Tina Turley, Wheeler Kincaid Technical Director. Events were coordinated by Cindy Harper, Executive Director, Casey Kauffman, Chair, Community Theatre, Lisa Ponder, Vice Chair, Community Theatre and DEI Chair, Mark Moore.  Adjudicators were  Lynn Harper Nelson (Tupelo), Quinton Cockrell (Troy( and Michael Cochran (Paducah, KY).  AACT Festival Commissioner was Susan Alston (Texas).

Workshops included: Introducing New Narratives, Allison Upshaw, PhD, Design and the Budget, Matt Stratton; and IPA: The ABS’s of Professional Dialects, Jamie Shannon Ferguson Ertle.


Best of Show 

Wetumpka Depot Players’ “A Storm Came Up”

Theatre Tuscaloosa’s “Launch Day”

Alternate Show 

Self Express Productions “Fools”

One Act Awards:

Best Actor in a Lead Performance

Jai LePrinse, for Anthony in “I and You”, Spark Theatre Company

Matthew Mitchell as Mases Burkes in “A Storm Came Up”, Wetumpka Depot Players 

Outstanding Achievement in Directing

Kristy Meanor, A Storm Came Up, Wetumpka Depot Players

Excellence Achievement in Directing

Caleb Brooks, I and You, Spark Theatre Company

Outstanding Achievement in Acting

Louise “Weezie” Brand as Caroline in “I and You” Spark Theatre Company

Kazarious Brown as Brylo in “Launch Day” Theatre Tuscaloosa

Chris Champion as Dr Zubritsky in “Fools” Self Express Productions

Mileidy Crespo-Jones as Tax in “Launch Day” Theatre Tuscaloosa

Tony Davison as Rufus Dixon in “A Storm Came Up” Wetumpka Depot Players

Harvey Lipscomb as Rogers Canfireld in “Holy Ghosts” Actor’s Charitable Theatre

Scott Rouse as Coach Halliday in “A Storm Camp Up” Wetumpka Depot Players

Jody Tartt as Lorena Cosbur, in “Holy Ghosts, Actor’s Charitable Theatre

Rhonda Vogt as Yenchna in “Fools” Self Express Productions

Outstanding Achievement in Set Design

A Storm Came Up, Wetumpka Depot Players

Outstanding Achievement in Prop Design

Launch Day, Theatre Tuscaloosa

Outstanding Achievement in Lighting Design

A Storm Came Up, Wetumpka Depot Players

Adjudicator’s Choice: Best Crew

I and You, Spark Theater Company

Adjudicator’s Choice: Most Memorable Moment

Ending Tableau, Holy Ghosts, Actor’s Charitable Theatre

Individual Event Winners:

AwardFirst NameLast NameTheatre  Event
GoldCodySealsSelf Express ProductionsSolo Acting
GoldJosephCoxSelf Express ProductionsGroup Musical Theatre
GoldNatalieRobertsonSelf Express ProductionsGroup Musical Theatre
GoldRhondaVogtSelf Express ProductionsSolo Musical Theatre
GoldAllySkeltonActor’s Charitable TheatreSolo Musical Theatre
SilverJoeyLayActor’s Charitable TheatreSolo Musical Theatre
BronzeBrandyJohnsonTheatre TuscaloosaSolo Musical Theatre
Honorable MentionJosephCoxSelf Express ProductionsSolo Musical Theatre
Honorable MentionNatalieRobertsonSelf Express ProductionsSolo Musical Theatre

ACTFest 2019-2020

November 1-2, 2019, Bean-Brown Theatre, Shelton State Community College, Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Theatre Tuscaloosa enjoyed hosting the Alabama Community Theatre Festival (ACTFest) November 1-2, 2019. This was the third consecutive year they we’ve worked with the Alabama Conference of Theatre to bring ACTFest to Tuscaloosa. This statewide event featured performances from community theatres from across Alabama.

Participating Companies

The following companies presented the listed shows during ACTFest ’19 in the order listed.

  • Theatre Tuscaloosa: God of Carnage
  • Spark Theatre Company, Inc. (Dothan): The Theory of Relativity
  • The Actor’s Charitable Theatre (Tuscaloosa): Of Mice & Men
  • Auburn Area Community Theatre: Silent Sky
  • South City Theatre (Pelham): Love, Loss, and What I Wore
  • Wetumpka Depot Theatre: The Diviners
  • ACE Performing Arts Center (Loxley): Little Women
  • Prattville’s Way Off Broadway Theatre: Driving Miss Daisy

Participating companies represented seven Alabama cities: Tuscaloosa, Dothan, Auburn, Pelham, Wetumpka, Loxley, and Prattville.  Approximately 100 theatre artists participated in the production and presentation of these shows.

Adjudicator Responses

ACTFest ’19 was adjudicated by Kimberly Frick-Welker (actress, director, scenic designer with Cookville (Tennessee) Performing Arts Center); Gabe Smith (Chief Administrative Officer at Starkville (Mississippi) Community Theatre); and Mike Winkleman (Professor, Auburn University Montgomery). Bill Anderson, Jr. (Center Stage Theatre, Midland, Michigan) served as the AACT Festival Commissioner, and AACT Division IV was represented by Lynn Harper Nelson.

Overall, adjudicator responses were very positive, and it was mentioned more than once that Alabama’s festival demonstrated an unusually high standard of excellence in the shows that were presented.

Best of Show (Moving forward to SETC)

  • The Gulf, South City Theatre
  • The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, Spark Theater Company

Alternate Show (May go to SETC if either Best of Show winner cannot)

Love, Loss, and What I Wore, Theatre Tuscaloosa

Best Actor in a Lead Performance

Josh Kauffman for “Macbeth”, Macbeth, Self Express Productions

Best Actress in a Lead Performance

Autumn Brown for “Betty”, The Gulf, South City Theatre

Outstanding Achievement in Directing

  • Lisa Ponder, The Gulf, South City Theatre
  • Caleb Brooks, The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, Spark Theater Company

Outstanding Featured Ensemble

The Witches (Kendall Wakefield, Angela Proffitt, Kasey Kauffman), Macbeth, Self Express Productions

Outstanding Achievement in Acting

  • Harvey Lipscomb for “Dodge” in Buried Child, The Actor’s Charitable Theatre
  • Lauren Norris for “Shelley” in Buried Child, The Actor’s Charitable Theatre
  • Madison Richards for “She” in An Ongonig Examination of the True Meaning of Life, Auburn Area Community Theatre
  • Andrew Rasnake for “McDuff” in Macbeth, Self Express Productions
  • Rachael Pike for “Kendra” in The Gulf, South City Theatre
  • John Caleb Davis for “Chip” in The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, Spark Theater Company
  • Cassidy Ryan as “Rona” in The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, Spark Theater Company
  • Dawson “Pate” Spencer as “Mr. Panch” in The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, Spark Theater Company
  • Riley Turberville as “Olive” in The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, Spark Theater Company
  • Faith Bonitz in Love, Loss, and What I Wore, Theatre Tuscaloosa
  • Carol DeVelice in Love, Loss, and What I Wore, Theatre Tuscaloosa
  • NorQuina Rieves in Love, Loss, and What I Wore, Theatre Tuscaloosa

Outstanding Achievement in Design

  • The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, Spark Theater Company
  • The Gulf, South City Theatre

Spirit of the Road

An Ongoing Examination of the True Meaning of Life, Auburn Area Community Theatre

ACTFest 2018-2019 

November 2-4, 2018, Bean-Brown Theatre, Shelton State Community College, Tuscaloosa, Alabama

ACTFest ’19 was by all measures a very successful festival.  The following report examines the outcomes of the festival in terms of company entries, production quality, adjudicator responses, awards given, educational workshop presentations and participation, performance attendance, overall festival attendance, and participant satisfaction.

Participating Companies

The following companies presented the listed shows during ACTFest ’19 in the order listed.

  • Theatre Tuscaloosa: God of Carnage
  • Spark Theatre Company, Inc. (Dothan): The Theory of Relativity
  • The Actor’s Charitable Theatre (Tuscaloosa): Of Mice & Men
  • Auburn Area Community Theatre: Silent Sky
  • South City Theatre (Pelham): Love, Loss, and What I Wore
  • Wetumpka Depot Theatre: The Diviners
  • ACE Performing Arts Center (Loxley): Little Women
  • Prattville’s Way Off Broadway Theatre: Driving Miss Daisy

Participating companies represented seven Alabama cities: Tuscaloosa, Dothan, Auburn, Pelham, Wetumpka, Loxley, and Prattville.  Approximately 100 theatre artists participated in the production and presentation of these shows.

Production Quality

The production quality of the eight show entries was overall very high.  At least seven of the eight shows presented would have been worthy of representing Alabama at SETC on any other given year, and it was remarked regularly that those of us who have attended SETC in the past have seen shows that were not as good as some of the ones that were not selected to move on at this year’s ACTFest.

Adjudicator Responses

ACTFest ’19 was adjudicated by Kimberly Frick-Welker (actress, director, scenic designer with Cookeville (Tennessee) Performing Arts Center); Gabe Smith (Chief Administrative Officer at Starkville (Mississippi) Community Theatre); and Mike Winkleman (Professor, Auburn University Montgomery). Bill Anderson, Jr. (Center Stage Theatre, Midland, Michigan) served as the AACT Festival Commissioner, and AACT Division IV was represented by Lynn Harper Nelson.

Overall, adjudicator responses were very positive, and it was mentioned more than once that Alabama’s festival demonstrated an unusually high standard of excellence in the shows that were presented.

Best of Show (Moving forward to SETC)

  • Of Mice and Men, Actor’s Charitable Theatre
  • The Diviners, Wetumpka Depot Players

Alternate Show (May go to SETC if either Best of Show winner cannot)

Theory of Relativity, Spark Theatre Company

Best Actor in a Lead Performance

Greg Vander Wal for “Lennie,” Of Mice and Men, The Actor’s Charitable Theatre

Best Actress in a Lead Performance

Michon Givens for “Daisy Werthan,” Driving Miss Daisy, Prattville’s Way Off Broadway Theatre

Best Director

Benji Stockton for Of Mice and Men, The Actor’s Charitable Theatre

Best Ensemble

Theory of Relativity, Spark Theatre Company

Best Lighting Design

The Diviners, Wetumpka Depot Players

Best Scenic Design

Benji Stockton for Of Mice and Men, The Actor’s Charitable Theatre

Best Supporting Actor

Eric Arvidson for “Boolie Werthan,” Driving Miss Daisy, Prattville’s Way Off Broadway

Best Supporting Actress

Emily Stephens for “Willamina Fleming,” Silent Sky, Auburn Area Community Theatre

Outstanding Achievement in Acting

  • Jonah Adkins for “Laurie,” Little Women, ACE Performing Arts Center
  • Callie Guthrie for “Amy,” Little Women, ACE Performing Arts Center
  • Daniel Maguire for “George,” Of Mice and Men, The Actor’s Charitable Theatre
  • Thomas Maple for “Thomas Maple,” Silent Sky, Auburn Area Community Theatre
  • Tommy King for “Hoke Coleburn,” Driving Miss Daisy, Prattville’s Way Off Broadway
  • Lori Edwards for Love, Loss, and What I Wore, South City Theatre
  • Lisa Ponder for Love, Loss, and What I Wore, South City Theatre
  • Alex Jeffers for Theory of Relativity, Spark Theatre Company
  • Josie Patterson for Theory of Relativity, Spark Theatre Company
  • Mattie Winburn for Theory of Relativity, Spark Theatre Company
  • Jennifer Guffin for “Annette Raleigh,” God of Carnage, Theatre Tuscaloosa
  • Casey Kauffman for “Veronica Novak,” God of Carnage, Theatre Tuscaloosa
  • Lee Borden for “Ferris Layman,” The Diviners, Wetumpka Depot Players
  • Reese Lynch for “Buddy Layman,” The Diviners, Wetumpka Depot Players
  • Kristy Meanor for “Luella Bennett,” The Diviners, Wetumpka Depot Players

Outstanding Choreography

Casey Green for Theory of Relativity, Spark Theatre Company

Outstanding Fight Choreography

Rebecca Yeager for Of Mice and Men, The Actor’s Charitable Theatre

Outstanding Vocal Direction

Cindy Ward for Theory of Relativity, Spark Theatre Company

Spirit of the Road

Theory of Relativity, Spark Theatre Company

Educational Workshops Presented

The following seven workshops were presented during ACTFest ’19.  Overall, participation was very strong.  While specific counts of participation were not captured, an estimate of attendance at each is listed following each workshop below.

  • Adam Miller: Courting Corporate Sponsorships: Making Your Community Theatre Irresistible (2)
  • Jen Nelson Lane: From Main Street to Broadway: Stage Management Tips that Work (8)
  • Jeanette Waterman: Dressing in the Dark: Making Quick Changes Flow (15)
  • Tina Turley: What I REALLY Want to Do is Direct (20)
  • Yvette Jones-Smedley: Writing Winning ASCA Grants (15)
  • Joey Lay: Old Age Make-up: More Than Just Lines on Your Face (25)
  • Terry Kelley:  Free Stuff! What’s Not to Love?: An Intro to Tech Tools for Non-Profits (15)

Performance Attendance

Specific house counts between shows were not conducted, however attendance at each performance was quite strong, even at the first two shows on Friday.  The following indicates how many “types” of audience members were eligible to attend each performance.

  • Performing Company Members/ACT Members: Approximately 101
  • Weekend Pass Purchasers: 25
  • Friday Day-Pass Purchasers: 2
  • Saturday Day-Pass Purchasers: 12
  • Sunday Day-Pass Purchasers: 3
  • Individual Show Tickets: 64

Community Division Meeting

The annual meeting of the Community Division was conducted during ACTFest.  A spirited election took place for the position of Vice Chair with Casey Kauffman of Self Express Productions running against Joey Lay of The Actor’s Charitable Theatre. In the end, Ms. Kauffman edged out Mr. Lay by 1 vote.  Showing good sportsmanship, Mr. Lay agreed to be part of the planning committee for next year’s event.

Community Division Survey Results/Participant Satisfaction

During the Community Division meeting on Sunday, a survey was conducted with the following results. Surveys were submitted by 83 respondents.

  • 54% of respondents reported attending an educational workshop
  • For every workshop, the majority of respondents reported being “very satisfied” with the content and presentation.
  • Topics requested most often for future workshops included:
    • Make-up – 9 Requests / 19% of respondents
    • Acting – 7 Requests / 15% of respondents
    • Design – 7 requests / 15% of respondents
    • Costumes – 5 requests / 11% of respondents
    • Lighting – 4 requests / 9% of respondents
    • Other responses included: Auditions, Scenery, Tech, Theatre Jargon, Character Work, Choreography, College Auditions, Directing, Movement, Musicals, Props, Technology, Traveling Shows, Volunteer Management, Blocking, Digital Scenery, Email Automation, Etiquette, Fundraising (General), Fundraising (non-grant), Hair, Improv, Intellectual Property, Marketing, Music Rehearsal, Producing, Scholarships, Set Construction, Stage Management, Storage, Students, Voice & Diction
  • The venue of the festival was evaluated on the following criteria with the percentage indicated reporting either a “4” or “5” with 5 indicating “Extremely Satisfied” and 1 indicating “Extremely Dissatisfied.”
    • Geographic Location 89%
    • Hospitality Room 94%
    • Education Workshop Rooms 88%
    • Theatre Auditorium 98%
    • Stage, Wings, Backstage 100%
    • Dressing Rooms 98%
    • Proximity to Dining/Attractions 86%
  • Adjudicators were rated on the following criteria with the percentage indicated reporting either a “4” or “5” with 5 indicating “Extremely Satisfied” and 1 indicating “Extremely Dissatisfied.”
    • Thoroughness of Responses 87%
    • Relevance of Responses 90%
    • Educational Value of Responses 86%
    • Usefulness of Responses 89%
    • Fairness of Responses 92%
  • Respondents were asked if ACTFest were to be held on the second weekend in January, would they be:
    • More Likely to Attend – 3%
    • About the Same Likelihood to Attend – 32%
    • Less Likely to Attend – 65%
  • Three respondents indicated an interest in serving on the planning committee for next year:
    • Daniel Maguire
    • Casey Kauffman
    • Lisa Ponder

ACTFest 2017-2018

November 11, 2017 Hosted by Theatre Tuscaloosa

South City Theatre’s Doubt: A Parable earned multiple awards including Best In Show which they shared with Theatre Tuscaloosa’s Last of a Line

ACT congratulates this year’s winners for their talent, dedication, and commitment! Led by Festival Chair Terry Kelley and Vice Chair Tom Salter, this year’s festival drew theatre lovers from across the state to witness four shows and participate in workshops and social gatherings at Bean Brown Theatre, Shelton Community College, Tuscaloosa, AL.  This year’s host theatre, Theatre Tuscaloosa, provided excellent state-of-the-art facilities for the annual event.  Adjudicators Tony Haigh (Kentucky), Kristy Meanor (Alabama) and Lynn Nelson (Mississippi) provided feedback for each company after their performance and chose the majority of the awards.


  • Steve Burdette: Best Music Director
  • Autumn Fuller: Outstanding Acting Achievement
  • David Jones, Richard Livingston: Outstanding Sound Design
  • Joey Lay: Outstanding Acting Achievement
  • Joey Lay: Outstanding Costume Design
  • Peter VanderWal: Outstanding Acting Achievement


  • Andrea Holliday: Outstanding Acting Achievement

SOUTH CITY THEATRE (Pelham) – Doubt, A Parable

  • Best of Show (shared with Theatre Tuscaloosa)
  • Spirit of the Road Award presented by the backstage crew to the company that demonstrates the best attitude and most professionalism during rehearsal.
  • Sue Ellen Gerrells: Outstanding Acting Achievement
  • Stephen Mangina: Best Actor
  • Tonya Marshall: Outstanding Acting Achievement


  • Best of Show (shared with South City Theatre)
  • Drew Baker: Best Actress
  • Adam Miller: Outstanding Acting Achievement
  • Tina Turley, Charles Prosser: Best Directors
  •  Kathy Wilson: Outstanding Acting Achievement

The two Best in Show winners advance to the Southeastern Theatre Conference Community Festival in Mobile, AL March 7-10, 2018 to represent Alabama at this 12 state regional conference.

At the conclusion of ACTFest 18, Alabama Conference of Theatre elections were held, and Theatre Tuscaloosa Managing Director Adam Miller was elected vice chair of ACTFest.  In this capacity, he will contribute to planning and executing ACTFest as vice chair in 2018 and chair in 2019.


ACTFest 17 Final Report

The curtain’s come down on ACTFest ’17 ,another Alabama Community Festival and this year’s event was sensational! Seven companies from around our state showcased the best of their work in a celebration of community theatre. Thanks to all who made this event so special and successful. At the top of the list are Kristy Meanor, Carol Heier, Tom Salter and all their wonderful volunteers at the Wetumpka Depot Theatre for hosting us. Your food and beverages and general wonderful Southern Hospitality were so appreciated. Terry Kelly assisted as Festival Vice Chair. Mike Gerrells served admirably as stage manager while Sharon Burum from Oklahoma led us through the festival process as our A

ACT Festival Commissioner. Our kind, articulate and insightful adjudicators: Kimberly Frick Welker, Alan Litsey, and Tom Booth provided excellent feedback to all the productions. But it was our participating companies that made this festival one of the strongest Alabama’s had in years. Thank you to all who took part. ACT hopes it was a memorable and meaningful experience for each of you!

Now on to the awards…

Best In Show (advancing to SETC in March, 2017)

  • The Glass Menagerie (Wetumpka Depot Theatre)
  • Rabbit Hole (Leeds Theatre and Arts Center)

Alternate: Steel Magnolias (South City Theatre)

Best Director: Tom Salter, Glass Menagerie
Best Actress: Kristy Meanor, Glass Menagerie
Best Actor: Stephen Dubberly, Glass Menagerie
Best Supporting Actress: Mary Page-Lyons, Rabbit Hole
Best Supporting Actor: Christopher Sims, Glass Menagerie
Best Set: Rabbit Hole
Best Costumes: Rabbit Hole

Outstanding Achievement in Acting:
Keith McDow and Amber Weakley from The Field (War Time), Auburn Area Community Theatre
Corey Kirby from Hiram: Becoming Hank, Pell City Players

Outstanding Musical Performance:
Lacindra McGowan and Tania Curry, Becoming Hank, Pell City Players
Elizabeth Bowles, The Glass Menagerie, Wetumpka Depot Players

Outstanding Lighting Design:
Hannah Meherg, The Glass Menagerie, Wetumpka Depot Players

Outstanding Creativity in Set Design:
The Dixie Swim Club, Millbrook Community Players

The Spirit of the Road Award (given by the backstage crew to the company that has the best attitude during their rehearsal)
Steel Magnolias (South City Theatre)

Outstanding Ensemble:
Curious Savage, Prattville, Way Off Broadway Theatre
Hiram: Becoming Hank, Pell City Players
Steel Magnolias: South City Theatre

The winners of the Alabama state festival advance to regionals at the Southeastern Theatre Conference (SETC) in Lexington, KY, March 2017. To help with travel expenses,  ACT awards a stipend the Alabama productions advancing to SETC. Two productions from SETC will advance to the national festival, AACTFest ’17, in Rochester, Minnesota, June 2017. SETC offers a stipend to its winners to help with the expenses of traveling to the national festival.

ACTFest 2016-2017

The curtain’s come down on ACTFest ’17 ,another Alabama Community Festival and this year’s event was sensational! Seven companies from around our state showcased the best of their work in a celebration of community theatre. Thanks to all who made this event so special and successful. At the top of the list are Kristy Meanor, Carol Heier, Tom Salter and all their wonderful volunteers at the Wetumpka Depot Theatre for hosting us. Your food and beverages and general wonderful Southern Hospitality were so appreciated. Terry Kelly assisted as Festival Vice Chair. Mike Gerrells served admirably as stage manager while Sharon Burum from Oklahoma led us through the festival process.

Our kind, articulate and insightful adjudicators: Kimberly Frick Welker, Alan Litsey, and Tom Booth provided excellent feedback to all the productions. But it was our participating companies that made this festival one of the strongest Alabama’s had in years. Thank you to all who took part. ACT hopes it was a memorable and meaningful experience for each of you!

Now on to the awards…

Best In Show 

The Glass Menagerie (Wetumpka Depot Theatre)

Rabbit Hole (Leeds Theatre and Arts Center)

Alternate: Steel Magnolias (South City Theatre)

One Act Awards:

Best Director: Tom Salter, Glass Menagerie
Best Actress: Kristy Meanor, Glass Menagerie
Best Actor: Stephen Dubberly, Glass Menagerie
Best Supporting Actress: Mary Page-Lyons, Rabbit Hole
Best Supporting Actor: Christopher Sims, Glass Menagerie
Best Set: Rabbit Hole
Best Costumes: Rabbit Hole

Outstanding Achievement in Acting:
Keith McDow and Amber Weakley from The Field (War Time), Auburn Area Community Theatre
Corey Kirby from Hiram: Becoming Hank, Pell City Players

Outstanding Musical Performance:
Lacindra McGowan and Tania Curry, Becoming Hank, Pell City Players
Elizabeth Bowles, The Glass Menagerie, Wetumpka Depot Players

Outstanding Lighting Design:
Hannah Meherg, The Glass Menagerie, Wetumpka Depot Players

Outstanding Creativity in Set Design:
The Dixie Swim Club, Millbrook Community Players

The Spirit of the Road Award (given by the backstage crew to the company that has the best attitude during their rehearsal)
Steel Magnolias (South City Theatre)

Outstanding Ensemble:
Curious Savage, Prattville, Way Off Broadway Theatre
Hiram: Becoming Hank, Pell City Players
Steel Magnolias: South City Theatre

ACTFest 2015-2016 

October 24, 2015 at the Whole Backstage Theatre in Guntersville. 

The festival was led by Festival Chair Mary Anne Garret and Vice-Chair Sue Ellen Gerrells.

Congratulations to the following for their awards at ACTFest’16.

Best Actor – Nicholas Diprima – Whole Backstage Theatre

Best Actress – Andrea Holliday – Auburn Area Community Theatre

Representing Alabama at SETC in the Community Theatre Festival in Greensboro, N.C.  March 3-6, 2016: Auburn Area Community Theatre – “The Blooming of Ivy”

ACTFest 2014-2015

October 24-26, 2014 at the Whole Backstage Theatre in Guntersville

The festival was led by Festival Chair Kristy Meanor and Vice Chair Mary Anne Garrett.

Congratulations to the following for their awards at ACTFest’15. What an awesome weekend of theatre!!!!

  • Excellence in Ensemble – Millbrook Community Players the “Marvelous Wonderettes ’58”
  • Excellence in Acting – Whole Backstage Theatre – Christopher Carter & John Barrow – “1984”
  • Excellence in Acting – Leeds Theatre & Arts Center – Cliff Keen Jr. & Ashley Richarson – “ Echos”
  • Excellence in Acting – Wetumpka Depot Players & South City Theatre – Sue Ellen Gerrells & Kristy Meanor – “Night Mother”

Representing Alabama at SETC in the Community Theatre Festival in Chattanooga, TN, March 4-7, 2015:
Leeds Theatre & Arts Center – “Echoes”
Wetumpka Depot Players & South City Theatre – “Night, Mother”

ACT Announces ACTFest  2014-15 AWARDS

ACT congratulates this year’s winners for their talent, dedication, and commitment! Led by Festival Chair Cliff Keen, Jr. and Vice Chair Kristy Meanor, this year’s festival drew entries from across the state to witness four shows and participate in workshops and parties.

SPIRIT OF THE ROAD AWARD –  “The Theodore Roosevelt Rotunda” and “The Big Bang” – Theatre Downtown

Given to the company that demonstrates the most professionalism and cooperation during the rehearsal, load-in and load-out. The Spirit award is chosen by the backstage crew, led this year by Stage Manager Mike Gerrells (South City Theatre) and Technical Director Tom Salter (Wetumpka Depot Theatre).

Adjudicators Brenda Caradine (Mississippi), Stephen Krempasky (Kentucky) and Fulton Burns (Alabama) chose the following awards for this year’s festival:

  • OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT IN MUSICAL DIRECTION:  Marilyn Swears-”The Fantasticks” – Wetumpka Depot Theatre
  • BEST TECHNICAL PRODUCTION:  ”The Fantasticks” – Wetumpka Depot Theatre
  • BEST DIRECTION: Kristy Meanor: ”The Fantasticks” – Wetumpka Depot Theatre
  • BEST ENSEMBLE: “I Don’t Want to Talk About It” – Whole Backstage Theatre


  • Lexie Scarborough & Nicholas DiPrima — Whole Backstage Theatre
  • Howard Green & Jane Caswell — Theatre Downtown
  • Lee Bridges — Wetumpka Depot Theatre
  • Bill Allen — Leeds Theatre and Arts Center
  • BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS: Patty Holley -”The Fantasticks” – Wetumpka Depot Theatre
  • BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR: Bill Nowell – ”The Fantasticks” – Wetumpka Depot Theatre
  • BEST ACTRESS: Ashley Richardson – “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” – Leeds Theatre & Arts Center
  • BEST ACTOR: Jared Max Wright – “I Don’t Want to Talk About It” – Whole Backstage Theatre

BEST IN SHOW — Advancing to SETC in March, 2014 to represent Alabama:

“I Don’t Want To Talk About It” — Whole Backstage Theatre
“The Fantasticks” — Wetumpka Depot Theatre

ACTFest 2013-2014

October 25, 26 and 27, 2013 at the Wetumpka Depot Theatre, Wetumpka, ACT congratulates this year’s winners for their talent, dedication, and commitment! Led by Festival Chair Cliff Keen, Jr. and Vice Chair Kristy Meanor, this year’s festival drew entries from across the state to witness four shows and participate in workshops and parties.

Adjudicators Brenda Caradine (Mississippi), Stephen Krempasky (Kentucky) and Fulton Burns (Alabama) chose the following awards for this year’s festival:

BEST IN SHOW “I Don’t Want To Talk About It” — Whole Backstage Theatre
“The Fantasticks” — Wetumpka Depot Theatre

One Act Awards:

OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT IN MUSICAL DIRECTION:  Marilyn Swears-”The Fantasticks” – Wetumpka Depot Theatre

BEST TECHNICAL PRODUCTION:  ”The Fantasticks” – Wetumpka Depot Theatre

BEST DIRECTION: Kristy Meanor: ”The Fantasticks” – Wetumpka Depot Theatre

BEST ENSEMBLE: “I Don’t Want to Talk About It” – Whole Backstage Theatre


Lexie Scarborough & Nicholas DiPrima — Whole Backstage Theatre

Howard Green & Jane Caswell — Theatre Downtown

Lee Bridges — Wetumpka Depot Theatre

Bill Allen — Leeds Theatre and Arts Center

BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS: Patty Holley -”The Fantasticks” – Wetumpka Depot Theatre

BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR: Bill Nowell – ”The Fantasticks” – Wetumpka Depot Theatre

BEST ACTRESS: Ashley Richardson – “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” – Leeds Theatre & Arts Center

BEST ACTOR: Jared Max Wright – “I Don’t Want to Talk About It” – Whole Backstage Theatre

SPIRIT OF THE ROAD AWARD –  “The Theodore Roosevelt Rotunda” and “The Big Bang” – Theatre Downtown


Workshop One: Stephen Krempansky, Proprietor of MASSKUS Productions, a performing arts administrative and production service, in Knoxville, TN offers
BEYOND THE BOX OFFICE – Methods to increase revenue and engagement. We will explore partnerships, sponsorships, underwriting and other strategic methods to develop new revenue streams, put butts in the seats and make friends.

Workshop Two: Brenda Caradine
The founder of the Tennessee Williams’ Tribute (Mississippi’s Williams’ Festival) discusses past festival events and the ups and downs of making a community aware and involved in a festival for America’s greatest playwright.

DIRECTORS PANEL DISCUSSION — All invited–Lobby. Sue Ellen Gerrells, ACT Executive Director and director of “Sylvia”, one of last year’s winning productions, leads a panel discussion with festival directors (both past and present) about their process.Workshop Three: Fulton Burns, Director of Acting and Performance, University of South Alabama
The Expressive Actor Workshop gives the actor the tools to create an Expressive Action, which is action of thought and feeling through integrated voice and movement. Through the usage of the Expressive Action the performer is able to play and embody any piece of text with a variety of approaches to unlock any walls facing a performer. Come play and have fun with this exciting technique created by Michael Lugering.

ACTFest 2012-2013

October 25, 26 and 27, 2013 at the Wetumpka Depot Theatre, Wetumpka, Wetumpka Depot Players

After completing two days full days and nights of enlightening workshops, inspiring and entertaining performances, after glow parties, a silent auction, a children’s theatre competition, and a brief divisional meeting, participants agreed the event was a smashing success and one of the smoothest festivals ever!

The Wetumpka Depot Players were warm and gracious hosts with their excellent facility.  Many folks reported that the workshop idea exchanges and performances were highlights of the festival, encouraging them to raise the bar at their own theatres. Thanks to all who made it possible: our hosts–Kristy Meanor, Carol Heier, and Tom Salter and the Wetumpka Depot Players’ superb volunteers; our backstage crew: Bill Richardson, David Bailor, Karen Black; Festival Chair John Chain and Vice Chair Cliff Keen, Jr.;  Silent Auction Coordinator Nell Richardson; Theatre for Youth Chair Kelleybrooke Blackwell; AACT Festival Commissioner Thomas La Foe and our adjudicators: Ginger Heath (North Carolina), Lynn Nelson (Mississippi), and Sam Wallace (Auburn University, Montgomery).

Best of Show:

“Living Together,” Theatre Downtown, directed by Mary Anne Garrett
“Sylvia,” South City Theatre, directed by Sue Ellen Gerrells

Alternate Show:

 “William the Bard,” Park Players, directed by Clay Boyce

One Act Awards:

Best actor: Douglas O’Neill, Jr. — “Living Together”

Best actress:  Ashley Richardson — “Sylvia

Best supporting actress: Beth Ashton — “Living Together”

Best supporting actor: David Coker — “William the Bard”

Outstanding Achievement in Direction: Clay Boyce, “William the Bard”

Outstanding Achievement in Set Design: “A Southern Exposure”

Outstanding Achievement in Choreography: Jared Max Wright, “Freckleface Strawberry”

Outstanding Achievement in Ensemble: “Freckleface Strawberry”

Spirit of the Road Award: Red Door Theatre

All Star Cast:

Barbara Davis (Ida Mae) — “A Southern Exposure”, Wetumpka Depot Players

John Collier (Piney) — “A Bad Year for Tomatoes”, Millbrook Community Players

Juanita Smith (Leateen Saunders) — “The Passing of Pearl”, Red Door Theatre

Brittain Bright (Jean) — “Dead Man’s Cell Phone”, Auburn Area Community Theatre

Hannah Francis (Sarah) — “Living Together”, Theatre Downtown

M. Bates Redwine (Tom) — “Living Together”, Theatre Downtown

Thomas William Shaw (Tom/Leslie) — “Sylvia”, South City Theatre

Howard Green (Edmund Malone) — “William the Bard”, Park Players

Grant Lackey (Jake) — “Freckleface Strawberry”, Whole Backstage Theatre

Baylee Saint (Strawberry) — “Freckleface Strawberry”, Whole Backstage Theatre

A special thank you to the competing companies who brought such entertaining and engaging productions:

Wetumpka Depot Players: “A Southern Exposure”

Millbrook Community Players: “A Bad Year for Tomatoes”

Red Door Theatre (Union Springs): “The Passing of Pearl”

Auburn Area Community Theatre: “Dead Man’s Cell Phone”

Theatre Downtown (Birmingham): “Living Together”

South City Theatre (Columbiana): “Sylvia”

Park Players (Birmingham): “William the Bard”

The Whole Backstage Theatre: “Freckleface Strawberry, the Musical”

ACTFest 2011-2012

October 15, 2011, Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville, AL

The dust has settled; the lights have dimmed, and the reviews are in. Alabama winds up another successful Fall Festival! From workshops to the Silent Auction to the talent competition to productions, this event fostered a learning experience for all involved and created network opportunities for those who participated. Thanks to Kevin and Mary Ann Garrett, John and Susan Chain, Mike Gerrells, Terry Kelley, Bill Richardson, Karen Black, David Bailor, and all the community theatre participants who supported our festival in so many ways.

Four shows competed on October 15 at Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville, AL from Wetumpka, Alabaster, Opelika, and Guntersville. Adjudicators April Marshall (North Carolina), Fulton Burns (Mobile, AL), Beth Harvey (Florida) 

Best of Show

“Agnes of God” by South City Theatre (Alabaster)
“Crafty” by Auburn Area Community Theatre (Opelika)

One Act Awards

Best Actress: Andrea Holliday, Auburn Area Community Theatre

Best Actor: Not Given

Best Supporting Actress: Kristy Meanor, Wetumpka Depot Players

Best Supporting Actor: Jeff Langham, Wetumpka Depot Players

Best Ensemble: Whole Back Stage Theatre (Guntersville)

Talent Competition:

Adult Division: Lisa Ponder

Student Division

Best Musical Theatre Duo: Lexi Scarbrough and Grant Lackey

Best Monologue: Jared Wright

Best Musical Solo: Laura Kate Smith

Best Acting Duo: Laura Kate Smith and Jack Mullins

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