High School Theatre

The high school theatre community across Alabama is thriving and growing. Dedicated teachers work incredibly long hours throughout the school year in order to spread our love and passion for Theatre Arts. From big-budget musicals to small black box theatre to theatre in found spaces, theatre programs in Alabama’s high schools are doing it all. In addition to creating theatrical experiences for our individual students and communities, high school theatre teachers in Alabama continually collaborate with each other in an effort to bolster Theatre Arts across our beautiful state. And the big event that brings us all together every year is The Walter S. Trumbauer Festival.
At Trumbauer, teachers network, share ideas, and celebrate each other’s achievements. Students have various performance and technical theatre opportunities, make new friendships, audition for scholarships, participate in workshops provided by our college division, and learn by watching their peers. All leave energized and excited about creating Theatre.
No matter the size of your school or department, we invite you to join us. You will become part of an organization passionate about our art and who share your commitment to quality high school theatre. Be a part of our community and watch your students get even more excited about making Theatre.